Schule ohne Rassismus - School without Racism

Eintrag von 7th Jun 2019

We are now officially a "School without Racism - School with Courage"

Apart from the fact that as a school we have been living "Diversity" every day for many years, we now officially carry the title "School without Racism".

SoR is a project by and for pupils, which is supported by all democratic parties and by many celebrities from politics, culture, religion and sport. It offers the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the climate at the school and to develop civic commitment. SoR is the largest school network in Germany, which now includes over 2,800 schools. Schools that join the network oppose all ideologies of inequality and therefore deal equally with discrimination based on religion, social origin, gender, physical characteristics, political ideology or sexual orientation. The aim of the project is to change everyday life in schools in such a way that it is characterised by a climate of mutual respect and recognition of individual peculiarities, coupled with a common search for unifying norms.

This title was celebrated on 21.05.2019 the "World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development" with a diverse program of artistic performances by our students, invited acts and our patrons NANA and Isabell Pollak together with our community. 

Until this day, which crowned the whole preparatory work, there was a lot of work to establish the project at our school. More than a year ago the pupils of the 5th class decided to join the network within the framework of our DIVERSITY WEEK with the help of their class teacher (A. Lang). Since the ideology "school without racism" fits perfectly to our school ethos, the project quickly created a stir and "sloshed" from our Primary School to our Secondary School (under the direction of C. Mahmoud). Since then, the following requirements have been met for the title to be awarded: At least 70 percent (we managed 85%!!!) of all people who learn and work in a school commit themselves with their signature to actively oppose any form of discrimination at their school, to intervene in conflicts and to regularly carry out projects and actions on the subject.

The title is not a prize or an award for work already done, but a self-commitment for the present and the future. Courage schools say: "We take responsibility for the climate at our school by consciously opposing all forms of discrimination, bullying and violence". The planning continues even after the award ceremony, as the school undertakes to carry out a project on discrimination at least once a year in order to combat all forms of discrimination, especially racism, in the long term. This means that ideas and projects have to be implemented and developed in order to ensure sustainability. Here the support of all is necessary, be it from pupils*, parents or employees* - simply the entire BBS community. The pupils* should be continuously sensitised at home and at school to the meaning of racism and courage and should keep the declaration of commitment in mind and discuss it again and again.

We are very pleased to have passed another milestone of the school and I am very proud of our community and to be part of the network that is actively working against discrimination.

Tune in:

Sina Bellmann

Head of School

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