Teacher and secondary student discussing work

Curriculum Secondary Level II (Gymnasium)

Grade 11

Personal Development1
Bio, Physics, Chemistry6
Spanish or French3
IT, Drama, Psychology or Philosophy (electives)2
Political Education1

Additional information: Grade 11 is the preparation year for the Oberstufe. Students can file an application with the teachers in year 10 to skip this year, if they have very good marks. Grade 11 may be used to do a gap year abroad, additional internships or to use the time to prepare for the Abitur with extra-curricular projects. We are here to guide you!

Subjects in grades 12-13

All minor courses are 3 hours and all “Leistungskurse” are 5 hours per week.

Must Do:

  • Major courses in English: English and Art or Biology
  • Minor courses in German: Mathematics, German, History, PE

Can Do:

  • Minor courses in English: Biology, Physics, Music and Art
  • Minor courses in German: Political Education, Theater and Geography
  • Second foreign language in French or Spanish

Please note that some course from the can do list, may also become must do courses depending on your choice of major courses.