Secondary students entering their classroom

School Life


Workshops are an integral part of our educational concept. They offer students the opportunity to try new things and broaden their horizons.

Students can sign up for a 90-minute workshop of their choice. Grade 7 & 8 choose two workshops per week, and Grade 9 & 10, one workshop.

After the first semester, a different selection is offered so students can discover a new subject to explore. There are no workshops for Grades 11 - 13.

Options include:

Sport Workshops

  • Bouldering
  • Iceskating
  • Chess
  • Basketball
  • Skateboarding
  • Rugby
  • Floor hockey
  • Yoga
  • Dancing

Academic Workshops

  • Chinese
  • Journalism
  • Coding
  • Book Club
  • Eco Club
  • World Politics

Artistic Workshops

  • Photography
  • Band
  • Film Making
  • Painting
  • Medienkompetenz/Typewriting/ WordPress
Students taking part in a photo workshop
Black and White Photograph of girl on trampoline

BBS Traditions & Events

Open House

Open House is held in February for families outside of school to tour the school grounds.

Winter Concert

Held in early December. Parents are invited to listen to BBS students sing in a choir and play in an orchestra.

Book Week

Book Week is a week-long celebration of books and reading. Students are invited to explore particular themes through literature, poetry, and music. Additional events include a read-a-thon, a book sale, and a bake sale. Proceeds from the read-a-thon go to the library.


STEAM Week celebrates science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. Guest speakers specialised in related fields are invited to speak and share with the students.

Charity Run

Since 2012, BBS has held an annual Charity Run at the school in aid of charities selected by the students. In 2023, we were able to donate 1,800 Euros to Growing Tree Liberia, an organisation that aids children in Monrovia.

Music Week

During Music Week, students who play instruments hold a lunchtime recital for teachers, staff and classmates.

Sports Day

Shortly before the end of the school year, the entire school participates in traditional and non-traditional games.

Summer Fair

Organised by parents, the Summer Fair takes place in the garden of the primary school campus. Typically, there are booths selling homemade food and drinks from the different countries represented within our BBS community.

Lettering stuck to a glass door “What kind of Hero are you?”
Student jumping over yard furniture
Friends talking


The Secondary School is situated in a tranquil and green location in Pankow and is easily reached by bus, tram and subway.

Facilities within the school include:

  • Chemistry Lab
  • Music Room
  • Art Room
  • Library
  • Garden (includes an upper deck, a basketball court and table tennis)
  • Cafeteria
  • Locker Room
  • Social Worker’s Office (open daily to students)

Outside facilities used by the school include:

  • Alte Feuerwache (for theater performances)
  • Buschallee Sporthalle & Kissingen Stadion (sport halls for physical education)
  • Bouldering hall, Berta Block
Secondary students attaching rainbow flag to window