Our School Blog

2nd Jul 2021

Holiday Hort: Now open

Our doors are open again! Please, come and join our Hort City. We have fun activities and trips for all our primary school children. We bake, we play outside, we play with water, we have Lego and other great workshops.

Twice a week the children are tested, but at the moment there is no masking requirement inside the school building for staff and children.


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1st Mar 2021

Corona Testing

BBS received more than 1000 Corona testing kits. Within one week we have had several teachers being trained in how to administer the tests. We are now offering tests for everybody on a Friday and/ or whenever they would like to have one. However, this is done on a voluntary basis and an offer for staff only.

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2nd Dec 2020

Diversity Week 2020

This year's diversity week focus' has been mental health. An important topic to discuss with our students already from an early age onwards - we are all diferent and don't necessarily see the things the same way as our friends or family does. An example: During music lessons our students explored reading music rhythms and melodies without their sense of sight, discovered Braille music notation and collaborated on mute compositions, working togehter to create music without speaking.

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16th Nov 2020

If we can't go to the museum, the museum comes to us.

We are very happy to host an exhibition by the Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. for our primary and secondary school called "Der Blick gegen das Vergessene gerichtet". This exhibition has been developed by secondary students from France, Poland and Germany who talked about the difficult history of Europe and how important peace is, not only in Europe but around the world.

Tune in to see the opening: https://youtu.be/kJy94KG-tWk

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6th Nov 2020

November 2020

The last months have been very difficult for all people and schools around the world and we are gladly looking forward to the end of 2020. At the moment, we remain in the classification "YELLOW", meaning that lessons take place, and only children of the gymnasiale Oberstufe are wearing masks. However, we have moved successfully moved into Granitzstr. with our secondary school and we are now leaving behind Weissensee. Please, see our facebook profile for some images.

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20th Oct 2020

Moving Day!

We are finally there! Our secondary school is moving to Granitzstr! After the October holidays all students - from grade 7 to their Abitur - will be taught from our new building in Pankow. It is a small building in the heart of East Berlin and it has been renovated during the last months for our secondary school. We are very happy to have found this building and that we are finally moving into our new home.

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8th Sep 2020

Haus der Statistik

We have been in contact with the Haus der Statistik close to Alexanderplatz for more than a year now and BBS has successfully established a cooperation with the initiatives taking place at this virbrant place. Maybe one day we will have another school at "Haus der Statistik". For now, please join us in our first BBS art exhibitionat HdS on 20th Sept from 3 until 6pm.

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5th Aug 2020

Welcome Back

BBS has officially started their staff introduction week. We started off with our aims for 2020/2021, hygiene & data & child protection trainings and last but certainly not least with a training on gender and sexuality. Next week Monday we will see all students return to classes. However, in order to keep a safe environment everybody should wear a mask while walking along the hallways and visiting the toilets. Thank you!

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20th Jul 2020

BBS Grundschule - Film

Haben Sie sich schon immer einmal gefragt, wie unsere Grundschule nach Abschluss der Renovierungsarbeiten im Jahr 2018 aussieht? Bitte sehen Sie sich den beigefügten Kurzfilm an, der Ihnen einen Einblick in unsere Schule und die Räume gibt, die Sie finden können.  Während unseres Tages der offenen Tür werden Sie auch die Möglichkeit haben, eine Führung durch das Gebäude zu erhalten. Demnächst im September.

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11th Jun 2020

Award - Umweltschule Europa

Today we were honoured with the award Environmental School Europe! As a school we will continue to support environmental and climate protection with various projects. Even if these are uncertain and unfamiliar times due to the pandemic, we will continue to address the pressing issues of the future and we promise to continue implementing education for sustainable development.

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5th May 2020

Re-opening BBS

We are going to slowly re-opening our school. As of 4th May, all students from grade 6, 9, 10 and 12 are returning. Next week year 5 and year 11 are also going to join in. However, the schedule for school is going to be reduced and only core subjects are taught for 45min each under the restrictions of the BBS corona hygiene plan. At the moment, it is hard to say when and if all other grades will be coming back this school year. This is a difficult moment for all of us - students, parents and staff.

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18th Mar 2020

School Closure

Due to the Coronavirus our primary and secondary school are closed until further notice. Exams for MSA and Abitur are taking place as usual. If you have any questions, please contact info@berlin-bilingual.de. We hope to see you all after the Easter break. Stay safe and healthy!

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