Our School Blog

24th Jan 2020

BBS: School without racism - on RADIJOJO

"When we are born as kids we don't care about colour"

Hello, we are the students of Berlin Bilingual School.

There are many types of discrimination - not only on the basis of skin colour or origin, but also on the basis of disability, religious affiliation or language.
We reject all of this - we want to live and learn together peacefully. Therefore we applied for the title "School without racism - school with courage".

Here a link to the radio show RADIJOJO recorded at our big "School without racism" Ceremony last year.

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6th Jan 2020

BBS Secondary School Moving!

The BBS secondary school will move in summer 2020. BBS became owners of a building complex in Granitzstr. 38(A) in December last year.

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18th Dec 2019

Charity Run - children collect 5.200 EUR.

We are very happy to announce that our primary students accumulated a whopping amount of 5.200 EUR while running hundreds of laps in the „Kinderverkehrsschule“ Berlin. This year we selected a foundation based in Liberia/ Berlin („Growing Tree Liberia“) and „Unter Druck“, an association based in Berlin and working with homeless people. Growing Tree Liberia works in an international context with children and orphans who may not have the means otherwise to attend school.

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10th Dec 2019

New Cooperation with 2ally.me

2ally.me & BBS!

Just in time for our Winterfest, we received our new merchandise for the secondary school students.

Since August we have successfully established a cooperation with the Berlin based start-up company 2ally.me. Their brand focusses on individuality, style and an eco-friendly production line. https://2ally.me/

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4th Dec 2019


BBS held annual second, annual, STE(Art)M week this November and one cannot help be inspired by the excitement and motivation generated by both students and adults alike. Our theme, The Moon - Stepping Stone to the Cosmo's, kicked off with an Art and Music display in our canteen. Student work, as well as some world-renowned projects, were on display.

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25th Nov 2019

Eco-Week 2019

Every year we have a week run dedicated to an ecological topic. This year’s focus was „the bee“. Especially in our primary school, our students learned about making honey, insects and bees as well as the week included many fun outings, like to the Naturkundemuseum of Berlin. However, this did not stop grade 8a who used the packaging of UHT milk cartons from the staff kitchen to learn about drypoint etching technique.

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18th Nov 2019

​Undefeated Champions

The Alba-Oberschulliga Basketball tournaments are back underway for school year 2019/20 and once again BBS will be represented by 3 teams. Our WK III girls who travelled to the Albert Schweizer Gymnasium on Wednesday the 23rd of October to take on the aforementioned school as well as the Alfred Nobel Schule in first round action.

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10th Nov 2019

BBS Staff Run 2019

BBS staff run 2019! What a gorgeous day. Each BBS runner ran 7km along the Teltow canal. How momentous, as this is where part of the wall once divided East and West Germany 30 years ago.

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17th Sep 2019

Presseinfo: Fridays for Future

"Fridays For Future": Berlin Bilingual School (BBS) schließt am 20. September, um Klimastreik zu unterstützen.

Das gesamte Kollegium der Sekundarschule wird an diesem Tag an der Demonstration teilnehmen, die Schule bleibt geschlossen und der Unterricht fällt aus. Den Schüler*innen und den Eltern bleibt es derweil freigestellt, ob sie am Klimastreik teilnehmen möchten oder nicht.

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5th Aug 2019

The new school year 2019/ 2020

Dear BBS students,

We wish you all a good start into the new school year. Surely you are just as excited as your teachers and educators. It will be a great year with many new discoveries, excursions, projects and friendships.

This week we welcome all new and old BBS students and our 1st grade has its introductory week, with parents still accompanying their children.  In 7th grade the workshop "How to BBS" will take place on Thursday and Friday.


The Leadership Team

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26th Jul 2019

Staff Welcome Back Week 2019

From 29th to 2nd of August, BBS staff members will be returning to school in preparation for the forthcoming school year. We have a number of new staff members joining this year and we will also be welcoming back members of staff who have been on leave.

On Monday, we will give new staff members a brief history of BBS. The founders, the concept, its evolution and finally its future of which they will be part of.

On Tuesday, we welcome everybody back and begin the day with some coffee, croissants and catch up on each others summer adventure. Then it is down to business!

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25th Jun 2019

Sommerhort Update

Dear parents

Due to the extraordinary heat we regret to inform you that we will have to adapt the offer of our Hort programme; i.e. the trips for tomorrow are cancelled and we will watch movies with chilled fruit spritzers, smoothies and fans in the cafeteria and play with water in the shady parts of the garden.

Please, provide appropriate clothing for the water and sun protection, such as light hats, UV-protective clothing and sun cream.

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