Our School Blog

7th Jan 2023

Secondary Sculpture

‘In my opinion, long and intense study of the human figure is the necessary foundation for a sculptor.’ - Henry Moore.

Pictured artworks by our Secondary school students

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20th Dec 2022

BBS Secondary: Alba-Basketball Tournament

2nd place 🥈 at the @wasserbetriebe & @albaberlin preliminary basketball tournament!

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19th Dec 2022

Secondary Art Work

More artworks from our secondary students on display at the Winterfest last Wednesday. We have plenty of emerging artists in da house 🎨🎨

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14th Dec 2022

BBS Secondary Open House

Open House, 19th January 2023, Granitzstr. 38(A)

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7th Dec 2022

Primary School Art Show 2022

The art show that happened last Friday and Monday at our primary school deserves some more credit! Our art teacher Harriet did really a fantastic job 🙏🏽
A big thank you to all the helping hands 🙌

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6th Dec 2022

Grade 9 in the Brücke Museum

Grade 9 is currently exploring the challenging topic of early 20th century Expressionist poetry in their German lessons. In order to get a more visual experience of the era they went on a little culture Wandertag to Dahlem's excellent Brücke-Museum, where they "translated" the work of some of the greatest Expressionist painters into their own sonnets.

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8th Nov 2022

BBS Art unique among Berlin’s secondaries!

Did you know that BBS is the only school in Berlin offering Leistungskurs Art in English? Well done to Mr Greaves and all the teachers in the background helping to make this possible!

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30th Mar 2022

Books and school supplies for refugee children from Ukraine

Spring has finally arrived, but yet the reality of war in Europe makes our world seem darker. BBS wants to make a difference in the lives of children who have come to Germany from Ukraine!
Every little helps!


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11th Mar 2022

Barrier-free entrance for elementary school

We, the community of the Berlin Bilingual School Berlin, see the call of inclusive education as an important asset.
This already starts at the main entrance, which with its large staircase access at Weinstr. 1 is currently not barrier-free and urgently needs to be rebuilt. A ramp will ensure accessibility and provide equal access for all children and adults.
Our community consists of 290 children between the ages of 6 and 12, as well as their parents. We also care for children with motor impairments or who are dependent on a wheelchair.

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27th Oct 2021

Learning to learn again

Hatice Keremoglu has been at BBS since the beginning of this year. She teaches in class1 and 2 and is also math coordinator. Her first weeks at BBS took place under the challenging conditions of the lockdown.

Want to find out more? Follow the link: https://community.berlin-bilingual-school.de/article/41054

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22nd Oct 2021

An interview with Inge Akker, social worker at BBS secondary school

The world is still in the midst of an on-going global pandemic, and though we can finally already see the light at the end of the tunnel, the last 18 months have taken a strain on all of us. With “World Mental Health Day” approaching on Sunday, 10 October, we caught up with Inge Akker, who works as the social worker at the secondary school in Granitzstraße to talk to her about mental health and well-being. Inge has been working at BBS since 2013. Until approximately one and a half years ago she was working at the primary school in Weinstraße.

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18th Aug 2021


As of August 2021 we have a new catering company - Biologisch Catering.

If you would like to know what is on this week's menu, please see for yourself.



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