Our School Blog

25th Jun 2019

Sommerhort Update

Dear parents

Due to the extraordinary heat we regret to inform you that we will have to adapt the offer of our Hort programme; i.e. the trips for tomorrow are cancelled and we will watch movies with chilled fruit spritzers, smoothies and fans in the cafeteria and play with water in the shady parts of the garden.

Please, provide appropriate clothing for the water and sun protection, such as light hats, UV-protective clothing and sun cream.

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24th Jun 2019

Abitur - 1.6

The Berliner newspapers have published the Abitur grades and we can proudly announce that BBS has come second best of Berlin - with an average of 1.6. A huge success for our first Abiturient*innen!


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7th Jun 2019

Schule ohne Rassismus - School without Racism

We are now officially a "School without Racism - School with Courage"

Apart from the fact that as a school we have been living "Diversity" every day for many years, we now officially carry the title "School without Racism".

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16th May 2019

Award Schule ohne Rassismus

Great news! On 21st May Berlin Bilingual School - primary and secondary - will be awarded with Schule ohne Rassismus - Schule mit Courage. Our students collected enough signatures to join the EU - wide network.

Herewith the German press release:


Vielfalt feiern – Diversity leben: Berlin Bilingual School (BBS) erhält Titel "Schule ohne Rassismus – Schule mit Courage"
Rapper NANA und Schauspielerin Isabell Polak unterstützen das Projekt als Paten.

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29th Nov 2017


More than 10 years ago, a small group of young enterprising parents embarked on the adventure to found a school for their children, because they wanted them to learn in both German and English, the languages they were speaking at home.

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